Thursday, January 27, 2011

Prego Pics

So I've never been a real big fan of taking pics of myself. Especially when I am pregnant. But I figured for memory sake and to see how big I really am I finally took one. So here I am at 30 weeks hoping and praying that in 7 more weeks will be in the hospital having our sweet little rainbow baby. Our Dr will induce us as early at 37 weeks as long as everything looks good. Meaning my cervix needs to not be rock hard, Paizlee needs to be in the right spot and so on and so forth. Devon is thinking that we'll have her on March 22. I'm shooting for March 18.
At my next appointment we'll be doing another NST and an ultra sound to check the level of amniotic fluid. My Dr is treating me as high risk given the fact that we don't know what cause everything with Brynn.


Linds said...

You are so cute! That is so funny because Emma's birthday is the
22nd! Can't wait to see pictures of little Paizlee!

Hardy's said...

Super cute prego picture. I am so excited for you guys!

Brooke Carroll said...

Jenna, you are such a doll. I love this picture! I HATE pregnant pictures of me too...but YES, you have to take them for memory's sake! I didn't take any when I was pregnant with my first, so I totally regret that :( But, I hope everything goes GREAT for you in 7 weeks and that she is ready to make her debut! And Paizlee is SUCH a cute name ;)

In My Heart said...



Snidbits said...

J bear...look at your belly bump. I love it! Hope you're feeling great and Paialee is such a cute name for the little one. I'm expecting more pictures...

Sara said...

You look WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praying like crazy for you!

Brooke Carroll said...

I have been thinking about you a lot...I hope you are so excited. You are so close and I can't wait to see how beautiful your baby is. Love you!!!