Monday, October 18, 2010

Where has the time gone!

I just realized today that I have been neglecting my blogs. Whew time has gone by so fast!!! So here is the update in the life of the Kuhlmans. The first weekend of October we made a trip to Salt Lake for Devons mission reunion. It was a lot of fun to be able to see people I met last year and was able to meet some new people as well. We stayed there for the weekend and ate out at Olive Garden. I love Olive Garden. Then after that we made our way up to Pocatello to see my sister and her family that Sunday afternoon. We've put away all of our camping gear :( Really sad about that. I love camping for several reasons. 1. its a fun fast get away 2. doesn't cost a lot to do. 3. We don't have to drive very far to be in the wilderness. anyway there are several other reasons. But winter is fast approaching and I'm not about to freeze my bum off. The pregnancy so far is going good. Devon and I are going to make another trip over to Pocatello soon though so we can find out what we're having. Devon is sure set thinking its going to be a boy and I am hoping for another girl. Anyway that is the update. Not much exciting going on right now.


Brooke Carroll said...

I know, it's been crazy how fast time has flown! So glad to hear your pregnancy is going well...LOVE YA!

Snidbits said...

I really like Olive Garden too! Zuppa soup every time. I'm excited to see what you have...boy or girl!