On June 21, 2010 Devon and I celebrated our 2ND anniversary. I cannot believe all that has happened in the 2 years that we've been married. Let me do a run down for you. Got married June 21, 2008 best day of my life. We lived in Laramie a few months while Devon hunted for a good job. We found one in Pocatello, ID and moved there. Lived in Pocatello for just over a year. While in Pocatello Devon worked for Lithia motors working on Dodge cars and trucks. I worked for Idaho Central Credit Union and loved my time there. We ended up pregnant April 2009 and found out May 2009 that we were pregnant and told our families for mothers day and our little miracle would have been here January 3, 2010. July 2009 made a trip out to Chicago to see Devon's side of the family and found out we were having a baby girl and couldn't have been more excited. Had a rough pregnancy but totally worth it. Then November 17, 2009 at 2 am worst day of my life with only a month left in my pregnancy we found out that Brynn passed away. Gave birth to Brynn November 18, 2009 at 7:35 p.m. weighing 3 pounds 12 oz and 17 1/2 inch long and a head full brown hair. Had Brynns funeral November 21 and have been having a rough time since. Moved to Star Valley April 2010 to go into business with my parents. This will probably be our last move as we plan to take over the family business. Got Brynns Headstone placed in May. Got our new puppy Chelby in June. Which for highlights brings us up to now. The weekend before the 21st Devon and I were able to get away to do some camping which was much needed. It was so wonderful to get away and spend some time together and do absolutely nothing. It was pure bliss. I love the times when we are on our own schedule with nothing pressing us for time or feeling like we need to get something done. Then on the 21st we just rented a move called Leap year with Amy Adams in it. I think she is becoming one of my favorite actresses and had dinner. It was really low key which was totally fine with me. I really have loved being married and I feel like I am so lucky to have Devon. He really has put up with a lot from me and I am so happy and lucky that each and every morning he still tells me that he loves me and is there for me in whatever I may need. He truly is my best friend the love of my life and the only one I could see myself spending eternity with. Here is to 2 year of being married! I love you Devon and I am so happy and grateful that I was bless to have you as my eternal companion!
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